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Climbing Everest

Annual leave is provided for a reason – to use it! After over 2 years of work, using annual leave for a few long weekends here and there, it was time for me to take a decent holiday. When deciding on where to go I considered laying on a beach somewhere working on my tan, going home to NZ, or visiting friends in Europe. Due to my Libran indecisiveness, I thought I would review my bucket list. Bungee jumping, I have ticked off (twice!), living overseas also completed, but what stood out on the list was hiking to the base of the highest mountain in the world –
Mt Everest.

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Much to my parent’s surprise (growing up, I hated walking) and my friends’ confusion (“Why don’t you go to Fiji or something??”), I booked the trip with my boyfriend and my annual leave was approved. The month trip and 2-week hike were locked in! 

Arriving in Nepal was chaotic, it was my first time in a third world country and it was a real eye-opener. Keen to get to the Himalayas, the more peaceful but active part of our trip began. On the two-week hike, there was plenty of alone time in my head to gather my thoughts. On life, travel, goals, work, and would often drift to food cravings, cold toes, sore muscles and headaches from the altitude.

After 9 days we arrived at Base Camp, I was struck with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and happiness. We had made it!! We were standing on a Glacier, surrounded by mountains higher than I had ever seen in my life. It was magical. I was lost in thought when I heard a rumble and then looked across the glacier to see an avalanche quite some distance away. I couldn’t help but imagine that the avalanche represented any negative thoughts or feelings I had been holding on to.

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Returning back to Sydney and back to work I have reflected on the previous month on what I have learnt:

  • You can do anything if you put your mind to it and have the determination and will to succeed

  • It is important to take time to reflect on yourself and your goals

  • Persistence, optimism, focus and resilience are qualities developed from working in recruitment that transfer to all aspects of life

The month trip and 2-week hikes were an unreal experience and one I will never forget.

Final thoughts ~ 
Am I glad I did it? 100% yes!
Would I do it again? Not in the next 10 years…

Now, ask yourself - When is the last time that you really took time out to reflect on yourself?

Reflecting back is just as important as planning ahead. Happy holidays!

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