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5 Mistakes to avoid when applying for jobs

Applying for jobs can be a daunting task. You want to make sure that you put your best application forward, but sometimes it's easy to make mistakes without even realizing it. Here are five of the most common mistakes candidates make when applying for jobs, so you can avoid them.

1. Not doing your research

Before you apply for a job, it is important to do your research and make sure you know everything there is to know about the company and the position. This will help you stand out from other candidates and show that you are truly interested in the job.

2. Applying for too many jobs

We get it, you want to get as many chances as possible to land a job interview. However, applying for too many jobs at once can make you seem desperate and disorganised, and it is unlikely that you will be able to put your best application forward for each position. Remember to focus on quality over quantity. 

3. Failing to proofread

Before you submit your job application, make sure you proofread it carefully. This is your chance to make a good impression, so you do not want to submit any documents with typos or grammatical errors.

4. Submitting a generic application

It is important to tailor your application to the specific position you are interested in. Recruiters review many different applications and a generic one is much less likely to stand out than one that is specifically tailored to the job.

5. Not reading the job ad

Make sure that you are reading carefully all details listed in the job ad. Often they include additional information or extra steps in the application. For example, they will ask you to submit a 1-minute video, to apply via email or to answer some questions in your cover letter. These extra steps will demonstrate your interest, and attention to detail.

TIP: Follow up

After you submit your job application, follow up with the recruiter. This shows that you're truly interested in the position and will help you stay top of mind as they make their decision. Make sure that you have given enough time for the recruiter to review your application. 

The process of applying for jobs can be daunting, but if you avoid making these common mistakes, you'll improve your chances of landing the job you want. Focus on researching the company, prioritising quality over quantity, proofreading, tailoring your applications and pay attention to what they are looking for. By doing this you will be one step closer to landing your dream job!